北アルプス、立山連峰の中にある雲上の楽園、五色ヶ原(ごしきがはら)の紹介。 An introduction to Goshiki-ga-hara, a paradise above the clouds in the Tateyama mountain range of the Northern Alps.
We will show you the route to Goshiki-ga-hara.
獅子岳頂上でお弁当!振り返って見ると険しい山々を越えてきました We ate our lunch at the top of Mt. Shishi-dake! When we look back, we know I’ve crossed the steep mountains. 獅子岳の頂上からあんなに遠く黒部湖が見えます。結構登ってきました Lake Kurobe can be seen so far away from the top of Mt. Shishi-dake. We’ve been up there quite a bit. 獅子岳からは、めざす五色ヶ原は目前です。でも、この間にはザラ峠があります From Mt. Shishi-dake, the Goshiki-ga-hara is right in front of us. But there’s the Zara Pass between them. さあ、ザラ峠までゆっくり、ゆっくり! Now, to the Zara Pass, slowly, slowly! こんなハシゴもありますが、がっしりしていて安心できます There is also a ladder like this one, but it is solid and safe! ザラ峠に着いたらガスがかかってきました When we reached the Zara Pass, the gas came on. ここでひと休み。あと五色まではひと登り! Take a break here. It’s just one more climb to Goshiki-ga-hara! 大地に上がったと思ったら、木道が出てきて、その先にはめざす五色ヶ原山荘が見えてきました After climbing up to the plateau of Goshiki-ga-hara, a wooden road came out and the Goshiki-ga-hara Sanso lodge, our destination, came into view! さっそく夕食の準備。これから一カ月ほどがんばります! We arrived and took a break before getting ready for dinner. I’ll be working on it for the next month or so!室堂から五色ヶ原までの高低差 Height difference from Murodou to Goshiki-ga-hara